About HB

Make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn – shout for joy before the Lord, the King.” -Psalm 98: 5-6

Psalm 98 is a call of celebration. It is a call to announce to the world the righteous reign of our Lord and Saviour through the use of music.

On April 20th, 1988, HERITAGE BRASS originally began its history as the Metro Toronto Reservist Band whose purpose was spreading the good news of the Gospel through music. Later, the Metro Toronto Reservist Band became the Ontario Central Reservist Band (OCRB) to reflect the fact that band members came from Corps right across the Cental Ontario Division of The Salvation Army. More recently in 2007, the OCRB changed its name to HERITAGE BRASS of the Salvation Army. However, the band’s purpose has never wavered and this commitment to spreading the ‘good news’ has been shared in nursing homes, seniors’ groups, golden agers’ rallies, various Salvation Army activities, Christmas Kettles, the annual Seniors’ Jubilee Concert at Toronto’s Roy Thompson Hall, church functions and worship services throughout Ontario, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Florida USA.

The 42 members of the band come from many corps throughout the greater Toronto area and beyond. They rehearse once a week at Ontario Central DHQ and have at least one scheduled engagement each month.

Every member is a veteran of Salvation Army banding and most of them have retired from their vocations. The bandmember’s love of music and commitment to this special ministry enriches as well as challenges each member to put into practice the words of Canada’s first Salvation Army Territorial Commander, Commissioner Thomas B. Coombs, who said: “Christianity on fire is what is wanted; to bring the world to God through music.”